Friday, November 21, 2014


It is the only force that will not fail 1 corinthians 13:8. all other forces will pass away but LOVE will never. why? because love is God and God is love 1 john 4:7-8 and  God CANNOT fail. it is either love or it is not. it can't be almost it.  1john 4:7 says .....' everyone that loves is born of God". No one can offer you love except he or she is first in love with God. anything outside this will be a trap of a lifetime. the peak of love demonstrated to humanity was from christ. the apex of love is death. why? songs of solomon 8:6. it says love is strong as death. which means in the face of death, love will not retreat neither will  love surrender. paul asked ; who shall separate us from God's Love? Romans 8:35. verse 38 says "for i am persuaded that not even death....." so i ask you children of God, who and what shall separate you from God's love? sickness, pleasure of life, money, lust, situations, in this country, boko aram?...whatever you are listing, is it up to death yet? love in any condition does not have the capacity to fail. if your love failed, you probably thought you loved God.......God loves you, and his love for you can never fail. his arms are widely opened. get in now, return to your first love. God loves you